In December 2011, La Vie du Rail published Les Cheminots dans la Résistance (Rail Workers & the Resistance), a book by historian Cécile Hochard based on the eponymous exhibition organized by the French Resistance Foundation with the backing of SNCF. As well as shedding light on how the state-owned company was forced to become a cog in the Nazi machine, the author reproduces official documents, with expert commentary, to give a fresh, more nuanced and detailed look at how rail workers—acting alone or as members of networks and movements—played their part in the Resistance.
Cécile Hochard, Les Cheminots dans la résistance (Rail Workers & the Resistance), Paris, La Vie du Rail, in association with the French Railway Historical Society (AHICF), 2011.
In 2012, we worked with French author Nathalie Bibas on a biography of Henri Lang. A graduate of France’s prestigious Ecole Polytechnique engineering school, Lang served as SNCF Regional Manager, South-eastern France, in 1938 when the company was established. He also taught at the École des Ponts et Chaussées civil engineering school.
In 1940, he was dismissed from both positions under the anti-Jewish laws passed by the Vichy government. Nevertheless, he remained in charge of a project to install electrical service on the Paris-Lyon rail line—work he did right up until the day before his arrest on December 12, 1941.
Lang was held at Royallieu-Compiègne internment camp and then deported to Auschwitz on March 27, 1942, where he died on May 21 that same year.
Nathalie Bibas, Henri Lang, 1895–1942: Un dirigeant de SNCF mort à Auschwitz (Henri Lang, 1895–1942: An SNCF executive killed at Auschwitz), Paris, LBM, 2012.
Resistance members worked diligently, writing and printing thousands of leaflets and papillons, tiny stickers carrying messages of civil disobedience against the occupying forces. For all their flimsiness—and their hurried, makeshift design—they have survived the ravages of time, delivering a powerful message about the dark days of the Occupation and conveying the sense of urgency that drove the Resistance.
These priceless documents, held in the Rare Books Reserve at France’s National Library, are reproduced with commentary in this book published with SNCF’s support.Tracts et papillons clandestins de la Résistance : Papiers de l’urgence (Underground Leaflets and Stickers of the French Resistance: Conveying a Sense of Urgency), Paris, Artulis, 2015.
In 2015, we worked with the authors of a new biographical directory—the first volume to profile every person summarily executed during the Occupation. Its extensively researched and detailed biographies cover those arrested and killed for being active Resistance members—or on account of their origin, background, activism or defiance—in the German- and Italian-occupied and Vichy-controlled zones of France. Despite their diversity, most of these people shared one thing in common: a determination to stand up to cruelty.
Claude Pennetier, Jean-Pierre Besse, Thomas Pouty and Delphine Leneveu (eds.), Les Fusillés (1940–1944), Dictionnaire biographique des fusillés et exécutés par condamnation et comme otage ou guillotinés (The Executed (1940–1944): A Biographical Dictionary of the Summarily Executed, Murdered Hostages and the Beheaded), Ivry, Les Éditions de l’Atelier, 2015.
The book is no longer in print. Since 2017, the biographies have been hosted on a dedicated website (in French).
Conditions générales d’utilisation
Merci de bien vouloir lire attentivement l’intégralité des présentes conditions générales d’utilisation avant de consulter le site Internet (ci-après le « Site ») mis en place par Société nationale SNCF (ci-après « SNCF »).
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SNCF – Direction de la Communication et de la Marque Pôle Patrimoine et Mécénat / Site 39-45 2, Place aux Etoiles, CS 70001 93200 Saint-Denis FRANCE
Le Site est un site conçu pour ceux qui souhaitent s’informer sur l’histoire de SNCF entre 1939 et 1945 et connaître les initiatives prises par SNCF pour soutenir la recherche historique, honorer la mémoire des victimes de la Shoah et des cheminots résistants, transmettre et enseigner cette histoire aux nouvelles générations.
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Durée de conservation
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En cas de différends relatifs à l’interprétation, la validité, l’application et/ou l’exécution des CGU, l’Utilisateur et SNCF conviennent de déployer leurs meilleurs efforts afin de régler le litige à l’amiable.
Dans le cas où un accord amiable ne serait pas trouvé, tout éventuel litige se rapportant à l’interprétation ou à l’exécution des CGU sera soumis à la compétence des tribunaux de Paris.
Terms and conditions of use of “SNCF 39-45”
We strongly recommend that you carefully read our entire terms and conditions of use before using the website (the “Site”) set by Société nationale SNCF (herein after “SNCF”).
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This Site is provided to inform about SNCF’s history between 1939 and 1945, to find out the initiatives launched by SNCF to support historical research, honour the memory of the Shoah victims and railway workers who were members of the Resistance, and to convey and teach this history to new generations.
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Retention period
Stores Users’ acceptance of the Terms of Use
6 months
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when quoting, discussing, or reproducing works in the press or for other uses expressly authorized by law, to do so only in accordance with the limits and conditions set forth in the law and to cite the names of the source and its authors;
not to extract or reuse any portion (whether small or large) of the content of Site’s databases and archives, including for private purposes, without SNCF’s prior written authorization;
not to set up any systems liable to or capable of pirating the Site, in full or in part, or liable to violate the Terms of Use;
to inform SNCF immediately if he/she become aware of any infringement whatsoever (including of SNCF’s intellectual property rights), and in particular of any illegal use (or any use in breach of contract) of the information on the Site, whatever the method of distribution used.
If all or part of one or more provisions of the Terms of Use are invalidated, either due to a law or regulation or due to a final court decision, the other provisions of the Terms of Use (and the other parts of the invalided provision) remain valid.
The Terms and Conditions are governed by French law.
In the event of a disagreement relating to the interpretation, validity, or performance of the Terms of Use, the User and SNCF agree to use best efforts to settle the dispute amicably.
If the parties cannot reach an amicable settlement, any dispute relating to the interpretation or performance of the Terms of Use will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Paris courts.